Yannis Tome Audio Cable Designs

A few words about ourselves:

Yannis Tomé Audio Cables / Backbeating Promotions is a work-shop business based in Aberystwyth, Wales. We design and produce analogue audio cables for low level, Hi-Fi applications.

Backbeating Promotions (Back-Promo) was initially formed in 2004 in Mid-Wales (UK) partially taking over some of the business aspects of Backbeating Sounds, a small Non-Profit organisation dealing with music related projects. Since 2006 Backbeating Promotions initiated 3 independent  production projects that make up the majority of our business activity  until today.

We are a family business and all of our cables are designed, produced and sold directly by ourselves without any intermediary distributors. In effect we are a small workshop based in rural Wales and we wish to remain so. However, we work in a very diverse production environment in order to maintain a truly handmade nature throughout our projects. This means that the volume of  production is very small and we can only supply in limited quantities. These limitations in the volume of production are outweighed by our ability to innovate and constantly improve our designs going beyond the standards of today's market. The ability to create one-off test products at low costs (since there is only minimal need for 3rd party  manufacturing) allows us to work on new ideas constantly, and be able to offer these products at very attractive prices free from added costs.  At the same time it enables us to offer custom options depending on the individual requirements of our customers at reasonable prices. Our pricing is a direct reflection of the cost of materials and the work  required for the production.

As a workshop business, we are on production most of the day and we do not have dedicated customer service staff. We receive many emails daily and we try to respond to all enquiries within 1-2 days. During very busy periods it may be longer, but if you have not had a respond within a couple of days please do feel free to get in touch.

Yannis Tome Audio Cable Designs

We do not promote our cable designs based on a subjective interpretation of their performance or on theories borrowed by various disciplines. Our cables are being developed based on certain scientific principles, they aim at achieving specific electrical  characteristics and they are evaluated according to their success or not to prove their design aims in practice.

We are not affiliated with any audio related companies and we do not  produce promotional literature about our work or participate / advertise our products on online forums. Public reviews and comments on our work can be freely made by anyone and they simply represent the reviewers’ opinion regardless if they are positive or not. We do keep our distance from anything that has to do with exposure and  promotion done by anyone. We are very specific on what we do and the reasons we do it for and we are happy to respond to any enquiries about our work and products.

It has been really pleasing over the past years to read reviews that have  praised our work, but even so, our work has often been praised for the  wrong reasons and we would not want to encourage this. However,  what has been extremely satisfactory and valuable to us is receiving  the unsolicited, honest feedback by our customers. We do not use such  feedback for publicity purposes but it allows us to evaluate our products, make improvements where necessary and further expand our lines based on the real needs of the customer.

We do what we do because we love it and we make a living out of it. This  pretty much describes our entire approach on our business. We do not  follow a typical business model and we have no intention in expanding. We are happy with the way we work. It allows us to  be creative, get a satisfaction out of what we make and keep an honest  and personal contact with our customers. We can operate free from any  pressure to produce what current fashion dictates and we can create  based on what our research and experience has proven to be the best  choice. Often people think that by offering many cable designs, options, constant upgrades and wide price ranges we try to create an artificial need for better and more expensive cables. This is  far from the truth. We are committed in creating the best we can and  constant research and improvement is part of the entire process. Furthermore, our cables are built to meet needs and requirements that are different from one customer to the other.

Naturally, some of our cables are considerably more expensive than others.  Such cables do not generate additional profit. They simply demonstrate that when a  higher budget is available we can materialize designs that require a  lot more work and involve materials of much higher costs.

Yannis Tome Audio Cables, 36 Dinas Terrace, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 1BT, UK - email: info@back-promo.co.uk

© 2021. Y. Tome Audio Cables